Ad delivery and optimization
Pair powerful creative production with robust ad delivery and optimization. Manage the whole cycle of your ad campaign in one platform, including creative A/B testing, cross-platform ad serving, performance tracking, and agile optimization.
Deliver, track and optimize in real time
Design across sizes and variations
Create a master design or set of banners at once. Remember, you can connect your CSV with Creatopy's Feed if you want to generate multiple variations.
Use ad tags to publish your creatives
Select your preferred ad networks where you want to distribute your ads. Generate the ad tag and import it straight away to the network.
Check performance, adjust on the fly
Track clicks, impressions, and other metrics in intuitive dashboards. Optimize your ads in real time by simply updating your data feed and syncing it with Creatopy.
Pay based on number of impressions
Customize your plan with the number of impressions you need. Consider your current monthly usage and easily simulate the costs before starting a trial.
Go live with high-volumes of ad variations
Create as many ad variations as you need for your campaign in bulk and deliver them to your chosen networks using ad tags. To make real-time updates to your live creatives, simply update and sync your data feed with Creatopy.
Drive results with your ad creatives
Personalized ads
Personalize your ads with dynamic custom messaging, such as country, region, city, or name, for more tailored communication.
Agile campaigns
Make updates to your live campaign without putting it on hold. We host your ads on our servers, allowing you to be agile when needed.
Dynamic ads
Apply dynamic rules and serve dynamic ads based on location, language, user searches, and other custom variables.
Launch winning ad creatives with A/B testing
Launch winning ad campaigns with Creatopy. Find out which are the best-performing creatives before going live with your ad campaign, make data-driven decisions with detailed analytics, and iterate for the best results.
Make every impression count
Include the ad delivery and optimization add-on to your chosen plan to serve ads that drive your advertising KPIs to the next level.