Discover Creatopy’s vision of AI. Generate ad creatives based on your website URL.
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Better ads for better results

Effortless creative distribution and optimization

Distribute your ads to your platforms of choice effortlessly. Personalize your creatives with the most relevant message and optimize them for enhanced campaign performance.

Trusted by brands all over the world

Giant Eagle
increased exposure

Ad serving across programmatic ad networks

Get access to various ad networks and DSPs at the push of a button. Generate ad tag codes for your creatives and enjoy more control and flexibility, regardless of how many networks you want to advertise on.

ad relevancy

Personalized creatives. Dynamic ads

Go live with ads tailored to your audience's profile and behavior. Use data feeds and enhance your campaign with dynamic content so your audience always receives the most personalized message.

A/B testing for optimized campaigns

Launch winning ad campaigns with Creatopy. Find out which are the best-performing creatives before going live with your ad campaign, make data-driven decisions with detailed analytics, and iterate for the best results.

Insightful creative optimization

Campaign performance tracking tools

Make campaign analysis part of your workflow. Quickly compile reports with clicks, impressions, and CTRs. Create dashboards that show the best-performing creatives, make quick decisions, and start iterating.

Agile optimization

Real-time campaign updates

Make real-time updates to your ads and target your audience with the most up-to-date message. By using ad tags, you bypass the extra steps of republishing your creatives and the size limitations imposed by ad networks.

winning ad campaigns

Other related features

Pair powerful creative production with robust ad distribution and optimization.


Ad serving little extras

Use click tags to set the landing page URL that will open whenever someone clicks on your ad. Enable responsive scaling to make your ad look great on any device.


Data feed ad creation

Make ad variations using data feeds. Create ads in different languages, with diverse media elements, or CTAs. Go one step further: add dynamic rules and start serving dynamic ads.



Break the silos between the design and marketing teams. Enjoy a single platform that serves both teams and helps them be productive yet creative.


Automation tools

Instantly resize your ads, and edit multiple ad designs at once. Save time and make more room for what matters to you with the help of design automation.



Find deeply customizable animations and widgets to make your ads break through the noise. Personalize your ads to the finest details and overcome banner blindness.



Keep your assets at hand by connecting your Google Drive or Dropbox accounts. Another integration you will love is the Shutterstock library with over 20 million images.


Find out more about Creatopy's solutions

Discover how Creatopy can help you create, distribute and optimize your ads efficiently.

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Set up a call with us to discuss your goals and discover how we can help you become more efficient in your ad creation and distribution efforts.